Merchandising Menu
Item Distribution
Item Distribution Item Distribution allows you to create multiple transfers from a single, or multiple purchase orders, transfer orders, or receivers. You can also manually add items from the source location to distribute to multiple locations (much ...
Receivers Creation
Creating Receivers Receivers can be created through the Receivers section of OpSuite, or through the Purchase Order or Transfer Order screens. Custom receivers can also be created outside of a Transfer or Purchase Order. Creating a Receiver from ...
Receivers Overview
Receivers Receivers are used to receive inventory into a location from Purchase Orders or Transfers in, to issue inventory out of a location from a Transfer Out, or to Receive inventory into a location on the fly (Custom Receiver) when a Purchase ...
Transfer Order Creation
Creating Transfer Orders There are two (2) ways to create a new transfer order; New and Wizard. New is a manual process that you must input all of the information and items manually. The Wizard walks you through creating a TO based on your location's ...
Transfer Orders Overview
Transfer Orders Transfer Orders are used to move inventory from one location to another, receive inventory in from a supplier (when a purchase order has not been created or needed), or to adjust inventory in or out of a location. Transfer Order ...
Purchase Order Creation
Creating Purchase Orders There are two (2) ways to create a new purchase order; New and Wizard. New is a manual process that you must input all of the information and items manually. The Wizard walks you through creating a PO based on your location's ...
Purchase Orders Overview
Purchasing Orders The Purchase Order module is designed to make the process of creating, placing, and managing purchase orders easy and fast. In this section, we will discuss various tools and techniques the user can use to make the job of buying ...