Creating and Editing Tags
The process to create and edit tags is the same across all 6 types of tags. For this example, Item Masters will be used. Start by selecting the type of tag from the OpSuite menu.
To create a new tag, select the Add Group button in the upper left corner of the menu. You will first need to create the Tag Group that the new tags will belong to. The Code is a shortened version of the Description. You can also select if this tag will be available for Matrix items or if it will be Required when creating a new item. Is Required will apply to ALL items.
Once your Tag Group is created, you can begin to create your tags. Under the Tag Group information will be another section where you create the individual tags. Start by selecting Add.
Here you will enter the tag information. Again, the code is just a shortened version of your description.
Sequence # is the order in which you want it to appear in the list.
If only creating a single tag, select Save. If you are creating multiple tags, you can select Add and Continue. This will create the tag and clear the pop-up so you can continue creating tags.