The supplier module is another relationship module that not only records the typical contact information, but also gives the user easy access to transactional history, items carried, and important settings that tell the system how the user will interact with each supplier. In addition, we have added an Activities module that turns the supplier record into a relationship management tool.
The Supplier Record is structured similar to other records throughout OpSuite, in that it has a header section on the top, with base information about the supplier, then at the bottom the user will find tabs that each contain specific information or additional records pertaining to the supplier.
If the user is not already on a supplier record, follow the steps in the
Records and Searches section of Login and Navigation to find a supplier and open its record.
Basic Information
- Account Number - The Account Number of the Supplier (Auto- Generated). This is a unique identifier for the supplier.
- Supplier Code - The Supplier Code is generally used to identify the supplier with the user's own code structure. This can be used to lookup the supplier on a purchase order or other areas in the system.
- Supplier Name - Name of the supplier, generally their company name.
- Term - Accounting Terms for that Supplier. Example: Net 30, Net 10, etc.
- Tax ID - Tax ID of the supplier.
- Accepted Currency - Currency accepted by the supplier.
Contact Information
- Contact Title - There is a title drop down menu containing various title options, including: Mr., Mrs., Miss., Ms., Dr., Sir., Lord.
- Contact First and Last Name - First and last name of the contact person at the supplier.
- Website - Website of the supplier
- Email - Email address of the supplier’s main contact.
- Phone Number - Phone number of the supplier’s main contact.
- Fax Number - Fax number of the supplier's main contact
Supplier Address
- Address- The supplier’s address.
- Line 1 - First line of the address.
- Line 2 - Second line of the address (usually Suite or Apartment number), if applicable.
- City, State, Zip Code - The supplier’s address city, state and zip code.
- Country - The supplier’s country. This is a drop down menu from which the user can choose the appropriate country.
Supplier Contacts
Some suppliers have different contacts for different parts of the company. Additional contacts for the supplier can be added under Supplier Contacts by selecting Add New Contact.
Supplier Items
The items carried by a particular supplier are found under Supplier Items. This will display all items that have the selected supplier as a primary or secondary supplier.
Each item can be individually edited by selecting the Edit button on the left side of the table. This will take you to the
Item record.
The columns in the table give a quick insight to the item.
- SKU- The SKU (Item Lookup Code) of the item carried.
- Description - Description of the items carried.
- Supplier Cost - Cost of the item.
- Minimum Order - The minimum number of items the user can order.
- Reorder Number - The ID that the supplier uses to identify the item.
- MPQ - Minimum Pack Quantity. The minimum amount that can be ordered on a single purchase order from the respective supplier.