Records and Searches

Records and Searches

All records and transactions in OpSuite can be displayed in a list screen for easy searching and browsing. These lists are designed to make finding records or transactions easy and fast.  The list screens share functionality throughout OpSuite, and therefore will be discussed here. 
NOTE: In the below descriptions, we will use item records as the example, but the same basic functionality is available for all record lists in OpSuite. 
Column Editing 
To add or remove columns on this list, click or tap the settings icon (gear) found in the upper right corner. Select or deselect the table headers you wish to view.  
Column Sorting 
Each column in the list can be sorted by clicking or tapping the column header. The first click or tap will sort A - Z or 1 - 9, and the second click will sort the list Z - A and 9 - 1. The direction in which the column is sorted will be indicated by a small arrow pointing up or down depending on the number of clicks. 

Lines Per Page 
To change the number of items per page, select the number from the lines per page drop down menu, also in the upper right corner of the list.  All lists in OpSuite can be sorted by clicking or tapping the column header for the column to be sorted.  

Paging from page to page can be done using the single arrow buttons (< and >), and paging to the first or the last page in the set can be done using the double arrow buttons (<< and >>). The user may jump to a specific page by entering the desired page number in the page field.  
Searching for a Specific Record 
To search for a specific item, or set of items, the user can use the basic search functions, or if additional details are required, the advanced search. 
Basic Search 
Most basic searches can be done using the default search options, shown in the graphic above. The user can enter their criteria in the  search field near the top left of the Item list screen. The default search option is ALL fields, and the operator is CONTAINS, meaning that if any field includes the entered criteria, it will be included in the results. As an example, if the user were to enter “Men’s” in the search field, all items where “Men’s” appears in a description, department, category, etc. would be returned in the search results. 

The default search can be adjusted to include only one field, and the user can select from various operators, including: contains, starts with, ends with, matches, or not equal. To do this, select the appropriate field from the dropdown menu (the default is All), then select the desired operator, and enter the search criteria in the search field. 

NOTE: To clear ANY search (Basic or Advanced) click or tap the refresh button (circle arrow) to the right of the basic search fields. 
Advanced Search 
The advanced search option can be used when the basic search options are too limited, or when the user needs to have multiple fields searched at the same time to return the desired results. 

To access the Advanced Search, click or tap the magnifying glass to the left of the basic search fields. 

In advanced search, the user will select supplier(s) from the Supplier Filter, departments and categories from the Department/Category Filter, and attributes from the Attribute Filter. These each can be one, many, or all.  
Next, the user can deepen the search by including specific field filters from the Field Filters dropdown and fields.  Similar to the basic search discussed previously, the user will select a field, operator, and then enter the criteria for the search. Click or tap Add Field Filter to add each field filter to the advanced search.  When ready, click of tap Search to submit the search. The results will be displayed in the list screen. 

NOTE: To clear ANY search (Basic or Advanced) click or tap the refresh button (circle arrow) to the right of the basic search fields. 

NOTE: Searches stick during the user’s session in OpSuite, so each time the user returns to the same list, the last search will be active until it is cleared, or the user logs out and back in again. 

Record Panels (sections) 

Each record is made up of various panels or sections.  Below is the example of the Item Master section of an item record.  

You will note that these sections can be expanded to full screen by clicking or tapping the diagonal bidirectional arrow button or they can be minimized by clicking or tapping the minimize (minus) button. Also, the user can set the color of the top banner for each of these sections by clicking or tapping the color edit buttons (square) that appears just to the left of the minimize button in the upper right corner, and then selecting the desired color.  These settings will stick with the user each time they log in.  
Grid Column Editing 

Certain grids in OpSuite, like the one shown below from the item record, can be modified to include additional, or fewer columns, and the columns can be manipulated into a different order.  Also, columns in these grids can be filtered. 

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