As you select your dimensions, the matrix table will start to form below. 
On the matrix grid, select the rows and columns, or individual cells you want to create. In this instance, we only want to created Ladies Fall Shirts for the Ladies sizes SM - XL , and in Fall colors of Orange, Plum and Brown.
To select all dimensions, simply click Select All.
Once you have selected the dimensions to create, you will need to Build the items. The number next to Build Items indicates how many items will be created.
Now that your items have been created, the matrix grid will show the each item’s sku, and will default to Item Edit mode. Here you will be able to set sale prices and dates, update the cost or price, as well as view the quantity on hand and on order.
Here we am changing the Price from the original $35.00, to $37.00, on XL sizes only , which will leave the SM through LG the original price. After each change, remember to hit Save the the changes take effect.
The items can also be viewed in a table to show all information on the items. To view the table, click Component Items. This will list each item, along with the quantities, cost and prices.
From this view, you can also edit each row by selecting the edit button next to the sku.
Once the matrix item has been created, you can come back and edit all the items at once from the lookup page. To edit an in individual matrix item, simply look the item up in the
Items section of the Inventory module, and select edit as you would all other items.