Employee Records

Employee Records

 The employee module contains all employee records for OpSuite as well as the user’s point of sale application(s). Each employee record contains important information, employee   roles and security, cashier and sales rep settings and security, and any activities assigned to, or associated with employee. 
If the user is not already on an Employee record, follow the steps in the Records and Searches section of Login and Navigation to find a supplier and open its record.
Employee Record
The Employee Record is where each employee’s login credentials are created, security levels and location group associations are maintained, and important settings and data are stored. The Employee Record is very important part of the system.  
Basic Information
The basic employee information includes their OpSuite Display name, OpSuite ID (which is used to log into OpSuite), the Location or Location Group they are in and have access to, as well as different roles within OpSuite.

  • Active - When checked, the employee is active.  Unchecking does not delete the employee, simply removes their access to OpSuite, OpSuite POS, and/or RMS.
  • Sales Representative User - When checked, this indicates that the employee is also a sales rep at one or more locations.  This allows you to set commission percentages and/or amounts based on the employee's sales.
  • OpSuite Login User - When checked, the employee will have access to log into OpSuite and utilize the program based upon the assigned role actions in Company Setup.
  • OpSuite POS User - When checked, the employee is able to perform actions at the OpSuite POS utilizing an assigned PIN.
  • RMS Cashier User - When checked, the employee is able to perform actions in RMS based upon their assigned roles.


OpSuite POS User


If the employee is an OpSuite POS user, they can be assigned to a specific location or location group.  This grants them the ability to log into any POS at the assigned location(s). 


Next, the employee must have a Login PIN.  To generate a PIN, select Generate PIN.  Once generated, you can View PIN and change to any 6 digit number so that the employee can easily remember it.  You can also keep the auto-generated PIN instead of customizing one.  A PIN cannot be re-used throughout the enterprise, meaning no 2 employees can have the same PIN.  The PIN cannot contain 6 consecutive numbers, or use the same number repeatedly (ex. 234567 or 444444). 


OpSuite POS also allows for the PIN to be scanned instead of manually entered.  To generate a barcode, click Generate Barcode.  A barcode using the user's PIN will be generated, and can be downloaded to print. 


In this section you will also assign the cashier's role under Cashier Security.  There are separate role actions for OpSuite POS, so this allows you to limit what your employee can do at the point of sale.  Role Actions for OpSuite POS are found under Setup/Role Manager.


Next you can select a language for the particular employee.  Available languages for the point of sale include: English, Spanish, and French.


OpSuite Employee Info


Next you will assign the employee an OpSuite role.  This selection will limit what the user can see and do in OpSuite.  




Here you will also assign a password for the Employee to use in OpSuite.  You may set the password and then require it to be reset when they login for the first time.


OpSuite has many reports, and we have removed sensitive information from some of them to allow users to see a majority of the report, but without certain information.  Here you can also restrict the user's report access so that they do not have access to the sensitive information.  This is different than the Report Assignments found in OpSuite Roles.


Sales Rep. Info


If the Employee will also be a "Sales Representative", you can set their commissions here.  You can set a fixed rate per sale, a percent of the profit (Price - Cost) of the sale, and the percent of the total sale.  A report titled Sales Commission will show the commission for employees during a time period you can set.


Additional Info


Here you will enter the employee's personal information.  It is important to add the employee's email so if they ever forget their OpSuite password, then can use the Forgot Password feature on the login page.

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